Monday, November 28, 2016


love it, when I hear from God;
as oft times, I know I do.
Some people really think I’m odd,
but others hear Him, too;
How do I hear Him,
you might want to know?
He speaks to me,
every where I go.

In the afternoon breeze,
or a morning rain -
He speaks to me, in the back of my brain.
He speaks to my heart,
and makes it race -
and, sometimes, He speaks to me,
face to face.

You say, that sounds crazy?
I once thought so, too.
But give Him a chance;
He’ll get hold of you!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Remember Him

Alone, I sit... but not alone;
in my bed at night.
We talk for hours, without a phone;
sometimes 'til morning light.

The conversation is quiet;
there's no need for verbal speech.
Everyone should try it -
for God has much to teach.

But He can only reach you,
when you reach out to Him;
and if you let Him teach you,
your life won't seem so dim.

He is always with us -
always very near;
and anything you wish to discuss,
He's always glad to hear.

It's not that hard to talk to God,
He knows your everyt hought.
You really shouldn't think it odd,
to speak out loud, or not.

For, as long as He is on your mind,
He is connected to you;
You'll feel Him beside, in front and behind.
Remember Him, in ALL that you do!

Speak to My Heart

Speak to my heart, Lord, loud and clear...
speak to my heart, that I may hear.
To hear you, Lord, is all I want;
every night and day.
To hear you, Lord, without a doubt;
knowing what you say.

Forever Yours

Lord, I am forever Yours;
Please help me find my way.
Life's hallway holds so many doors;
forgive me, when I stray.

Forever, I will love You;
forever I will praise - 
Your Son, Your Name;
one and the same.

Humbly Yours,
'til the end of days.

The Bible

The Bible is a book,
that teaches right from wrong -
and helps to keep us close to God,
our whole life long.

Which Way?

Under, over - down or up... which way should I go?
Left or right, or right or left - I really do not know.
If I just go straight ahead, how can I go wrong?
I'll let God lead me, protect and feed me... 
and fill my heart with song.

Silver Lining

In the orange light, of the day's sunset,
a silver lining glows...
encircling the cloud, with a light bright and proud.
that silver lining shows;
it fills my heart with joy, like every girl and boy,
and sends tingles to my toes.


With the power of just His word, thunder rolls across the sky;
It hushes every bird, as its rumble rushes by.
Like a God-almighty sneeze...
Need we wonder why?


Lightning, when it flashes, appears to be (to me)...
zig-zags, dots and dashes, almost endlessly.
He writes across the endless sky,
with His mighty pen...
and shows His awesome power,
to this world of mice and men.


Icy wind blows...
it freezes your nose -
chills down to your toes;
and that's how it goes!

Rain Clouds

Cloud upon cloud; tuft upon tuft...
Fill up the clear-blue sky.
Shouting out loud, all rumbly and puffed...
"Get inside if you want to stay dry!"

April Showers

When April showers bring May flowers,
remember to thank God.
He's in the air, and everywhere...
so smile, speak and nod.

God's Flower

As I look at a flower, and see how fragile it is...
It hits me, that it's power is really, all His.
It's beauty is enchanting - a mezmerizing view;
and the colors are entrancing with their bright and brilliant bue.
But the true power of the flower, comes from God, above...
It's the joy you feel when you look upon those pedals, made with love.

Spring Grass

How is it, that the grass does grow,
afte its Winter sleep?
I'll tell you how, because I know -
by the company I keep.

His power is strong,
and though Winter is long...
by His warmth and His light,
the grass ccomes back to life -
as if awakened by a song of birth.
His energy soars,
deep into its pores -
and it gently springs forth, from the earth.

It drinks of the dew -
and rises anew;
just as Jesus rose, that Spring...
and gets stronger each day,
in every way -
as it listens, to birds, while they sing.

Nature's Musicians

The music of nature, fills the air...
Chirping crickets, every where -
birds that sing and leaves that whistle;
grass blades rub, across the thistle.

The locust buzz is shrill and deep,
and lulls me into a peaceful sleep.
Where, in my dreams, I hear it still...
on it goes, and on, until...

the musicians, one by one, sleep, too -
but there's still much for them to do.
Tomorrow is another day,
and once again, they will play.

Little Bird

Little bird, in the tree - would you sing a song for me?
I love to hear you, night and day...
When I sleep and when I play -
I love to hear your song so gay;
so won't you sing for me today?

Little Frog

Little frog, on the log -
what do you do all day?
Take a jog in the morning fog...
and splash your cares away?

God Loves You

I love God; God loves you...
He shows it every day.
He wakes your soul, and keeps you whole;
and takes your fears away.